
最近這一款【AA 英國皇家芳療】身心三重奏真的大推啊!



【AA 英國皇家芳療】身心三重奏這個cp值真的無庸置疑,網路上的開箱體驗文很多,代表真的值得入手~~


1. 閱讀標籤成分

2. 選擇適合你皮膚的保養品

3. 金錢不代表一切

4. 一次只測試一種保養品

5. 追蹤妳的成效

6. 多多參考別人的意見




而這個【AA 英國皇家芳療】身心三重奏是我在閒逛MOMO時,猛然看到的產品




所以我個人對【AA 英國皇家芳療】身心三重奏的評比如下







【AA 英國皇家芳療】身心三重奏









  • 清新
  • 其他


  • 液體
  • 複方


  • 皮膚調理
  • 提神
  • 舒眠
  • 舒壓


  • 1-50ml


  • 「英國原裝進口.品質保證,請消費者安心購買」

    商品名稱:AA 英國皇家芳療 身心三重奏

    1.輕盈舒緩沐浴油9 ml
    2.怡神沐浴油9 ml
    3.明煥晨曉沐浴油9 ml



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這裡是KTS新聞匯總欄目! 這裡不僅有 一周的新聞熱點 還有雅思托福考試變動 以及留學政策的變化 來看看吧! ... 1. 雅思官網推出《雅思自學手冊》 目前,雅思官網上線了《雅思自學手冊》IELTS Study Plannner,並附有詳細的時間表,以一個月為期,幫助考生儘快熟悉考試模式,通過專項練習及模擬考試達到短期突破的目標。 從官方給出的手冊里可以看到,第一天的任務就是通過做一套模擬試卷進行自測,了解目前的英語水平。接下來的四周里,以周為單位,按照聽力、寫作、口語、閱讀的順序進行專項提高,而手冊里提到的學習資源都可以在官網中免費獲取。在最後兩天,當你完成了所有訓練後,會再次進行模擬考試,從而量化自己的學習成果。 ... [Photo/官網] 2. 英國大學或取消無條件Offer 據《泰晤士報》報導,英國教育部下屬學生辦公室(OFS)正醞釀對英國大學本科招生制度進行重大改革。 招生改革中的一個重要部分是廢除預測成績的使用,學生需要先拿到A-level成績以後才能申請大學,而不能再像以前一樣用預估成績申請。對學校而言,這意味著無條件Offer的發放可能被取消;對學生而言,這意味著申請將被延遲,錄取會變得更加困難。 此前BBC就針對無條件錄取的學生進行過調查報導,經過研究,獲得無條件offer的大學生的輟學可能性更高。細節方面,目前監管機構提出了三種具體改革方案: 1.學生獲得 A-Level 成績之前可以提前申請,但大學在知曉學生的A-level成績前不會提供錄取通知。(即學校不再發放無條件offer) 2.學生獲得A-level成績以後才可以申請;當然他們提前可以訪問大學作更多了解。(即學生不再使用預測成績) 3.保持目前的時間表大致不變,但要多考慮貧困學生所面臨的不利條件,重新考慮個人陳述的使用問題,並對申請成績要求加大透明度。(即關注弱勢背景的申請人) ... [Photo/網絡] 3. 雅思官網終於恢復報名 雅思官網表示,他們正在制定詳細計劃,以確保一旦取消官方限制,應試者就能儘快進行測試 。 對於受疫情影響的地區,在恢復考試後會增加考試報名的場次,會提供雙倍的雅思紙筆考試的考位! 同時,雅思機考的考次也會增加至每天三次,每周七天; 會採用更大的考試場地供給給紙質考試者; 除此以外,對於考口語的小夥伴,也會更靈活地使用世界各地的口語考試人員,以確保應試者能夠儘快完成口語考試。 ... [Photo/官網] 4. 雅思考點官方宣布取消4月份雅思考試 昨天,曾於2019年底宣布承辦雅思考試的寧夏大學,已於近日宣布取消該場雅思考試,而該場雅思考試的考試時間為4月11日。 也就是說,該考場成為首個取消4月份大陸雅思考試的考點。這個考點其實是首次承辦,且寧夏大學的考生並不多,在雅思考點查詢上都找不到該考點的考位報名。 ... [Photo/官網] Makeshift hospitals to be closed 武漢11家方艙醫院休艙 Makeshift hospitals built to treat novel coronavirus infected patients with mild symptoms in Wuhan, Hubei province, are expected to wrap up operation around March 10, China Central Television reported on Sunday. Since Feb 5, 14 makeshift hospitals in the city have been operating, with the longest running for 33 days, and treating more than 12,000 cases, it said. 據央視8日報導,湖北武漢專為治療新冠肺炎輕癥患者而建的方艙醫院將於本月10日左右全部休艙。自2月5日以來,武漢14所方艙醫院共收治超過1.2萬名患者,其中運行時間最長的方艙醫院已運行33天。 As of Sunday afternoon, 11 of the 14 hospitals have suspended operation, with their patients either discharged or transferred to designated hospitals, it said. There are about 100 patients still being treated in the remaining three makeshift hospitals. 截至8日下午,14所方艙醫院中的11所已經休艙,病人均已出院或被轉入定點醫院。目前仍有約100名病人在剩餘的3家方艙醫院中接受治療。 Zhai Xiaohui, deputy director of the hospital management center with the National Health Commission, said: "Nearly 10,000 beds have been emptied out at the designated hospitals. From now on confirmed cases will be sent to the designated hospitals first. If they cannot handle them, the makeshift hospitals will reopen." 國家衛健委醫管中心副主任翟曉輝稱:"定點醫院已空出近萬張床位。從現在開始出現的確診病例將先收治到定點醫院去,定點醫院如果解決不了,我們再啟動方艙。" ... [Photo/chinadaily.com.cn] Gender pay gap narrows 我國男女薪資差距縮小 The average monthly salary of women in urban China reached 6,995 yuan in 2019, up 7.7% year-on-year. Though women continue to earn only 81.6% of the men's salary, it's the first time for the gender pay gap to shrink over the past three years, thanks to the growing number of well-paid female workers, a report showed. 招聘平臺BOSS直聘5日發布的報告顯示,2019年中國城鎮就業女性平均薪酬為6995元,同比上升7.7%。雖然女性薪酬均值僅為男性的81.6%,但這是三年來中國女性與男性薪資差距首次縮減,這得益於越來越多女性獲得了高薪職位。 With the increase in women's skills and aspirations, more females have risen up to management level, which has boosted their average salary, according to a report released by recruitment platform Boss Zhipin on Thursday. Women held 25.4% of director-level posts last year, up 0.4 percentage points over 2018, the report showed. 報告稱,隨著中國女性的工作能力和職業發展意願不斷增強,越來越多的女性開始進入管理層,因此女性平均薪酬有所提高。報告顯示,2019年,中國女性在總監級別職位中的占比達到25.4%,較2018年提高0.4個百分點。 The growth was more obvious in human resources, public relations and legal sectors. Besides, with more women choosing to study majors such as science, technology, engineering and math, more female graduates have found jobs with high salaries. However, more than 70% of employees in the top 15 most-paid technical positions were still men. 人力資源總監、公關總監、法務總監中的女性比例提高尤為明顯。此外,隨著選擇科學、技術、工程、數學類專業的女性不斷增多,越來越多的女性獲得了高薪崗位。但平均薪酬最高的15個技術類崗位中的女性占比仍然不足30%。 ... [Photo/Xinhua] Waste disposal capacity rises 全國醫療廢物'日產日清' All the waste related to coronavirus control and prevention in China can be treated safely thanks to the increase in medical waste disposal capacity, a senior official from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said on Tuesday. 生態環境部應急辦主任趙群英表示10日表示,由於醫療廢物處置能力的提高,我國所有涉新冠疫情醫療廢物均能得到安全處置。 Daily disposal capacity in all 358 cities nationwide expanded from 4,902 metric tons on Jan 20 to 6,022 tons on March 7, said Zhao Qunying, director of the ministry's emergency management office. 趙群英表示,全國358個城市的醫療廢物日均處置能力從1月20日的4902噸提升至3月7日的6022噸。 During the period, a total of 136,000 tons of medical waste was disposed of. Zhao said current disposal capacity could meet the needs created by the coronavirus outbreak, and medical waste produced every day could all be treated within 24 hours. 在此期間,全國累計處置醫療廢物13.6萬噸。趙群英說,我國目前的處置能力能滿足涉疫情醫療廢物處置需要,做到了"日產日清"。 ... [Photo/China Daily] Nurse gets Messi's jersey 抗疫護士獲贈梅西球衣 Wu Yu, a nurse in the third medical team dispatched to Wuhan from Xiangya Hospital, Hunan, didn't expect her wish would come true so soon. On the eve of International Women's Day, she made a special wish during an on-camera interview, hoping Argentinian superstar footballer Lionel Messi could send her 8-year-old son a jersey. 湖南湘雅醫院第三批支援武漢醫療隊護士吳宇沒想到自己的願望能這麼快實現。三八婦女節前夕,她接受採訪時對著鏡頭許下了一個特別的願望:希望阿根廷超級球星梅西能夠送她八歲的兒子一件球衣。 "I believe a jersey from Messi would definitely encourage my boy to become a member of the national youth training team," the mother said. That night, the official Weibo account of Argentina's national football team responded: "Hello, nurse mother! After hearing your wish, we are going to send you a No 10 Messi jersey. We hope your son can have a brighter future after wearing his idol's shirt!" 她說:"有了偶像的球衣,相信可以激勵他努力成為國家青訓隊隊員。"當晚,阿根廷國家足球隊官方微博回應稱:"護士媽媽您好,聽到你的願望,我們給你送上一件阿根廷國家隊的十號梅西球衣,希望您的兒子穿上偶像戰袍之後,擁有美好前程!" Coming out of the hospital after a night shift, Wu received the good news the next morning. "I didn't expect this wish to come true because I just wanted to encourage my son," she said, adding that one of the reasons she had requested to join the fight against coronavirus in Wuhan is that she wanted to set a good example for her son, telling him that no difficulty can stop people from chasing their dreams. 上夜班的吳宇第二天早上才接到這個好消息,她說,一開始只是想鼓勵孩子,沒想到真的可以實現這個願望。她還說,自己之所以報名到武漢抗擊新冠病毒,也是想要給兒子做一個榜樣,告訴他任何困境都難不倒一顆奮發努力的心。 ... [Photo/A screenshot of the official Weibo account of Argentina's national football team] ... Face masks may curb virus 新型口罩檢測新冠病毒 Researchers hope to trial low-cost face masks that can detect whether someone has infectious coronavirus before they display any symptoms. Experts at the University of Leicester said if successful, the method could simplify large-scale screening for the virus and curb the spread of COVID-19. 英國研究人員希望測試一種低成本的口罩,這種口罩可以在出現癥狀前檢測出受測者是否感染了冠狀病毒。萊斯特大學的專家表示,如果測試成功,這種方法可以簡化對病毒的大規模檢測,並抑制新冠病毒的傳播。 The sampling masks will be adapted using 3D printed strips and can trap exhaled microbes in a 30-minute period. 「If that trial validates the new approach, researchers will then move on to using the masks in trials with the new coronavirus. 這種採樣口罩上配有3D列印的條狀物,可以在30分鐘內捕獲呼出的微生物。如果該試驗證實了新方法的有效性,研究人員將繼續針對新冠病毒患者測試這種口罩。 It is expected to take between two to three months to reach this stage. The university said if the sampling masks were manufactured on an "industrial scale" they could potentially cost "pennies". 預計需要兩到三個月的時間才能達到這個階段。該大學表示,如果這種口罩能進行工業規模生產,成本可能只有"幾便士"。 ... [Photo/University of Leicester] Italy locks down northern regions 義大利因疫情封鎖北部 Italy has locked down the northern Lombardy region and 14 nearby provinces, including the financial capital Milan and tourist hotspot Venice, in an effort to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said Sunday. 義大利總理朱塞佩·孔特8日表示,為了遏制新型冠狀病毒的傳播,義大利已經封鎖了北部倫巴第大區和附近的14個省份,金融中心米蘭和旅遊熱點城市威尼斯均在被封鎖區域內。 According to a government decree that goes into effect until April 3, unprecedented restrictions will be taken as preventive measures, impacting some 16 million people in the north, which accounts for a quarter of the country's population. 根據一項已生效的政府法令,作為防疫措施,義大利將前所未有地大面積封城,此舉將影響北部地區約1600萬人,占義大利總人口的1/4。法令有效期將持續到4月3日。 Italy is dealing with the worst coronavirus epidemic outside of Asia. Deaths rose to 366 with more than 130 reported Sunday, a 50% increase from the day before. The number of cases in the country nearly tripled from about 2,500 infections on Wednesday to more than 7,375 on Sunday. 義大利是目前亞洲以外新冠疫情最嚴峻的國家。8日,義大利新增新冠肺炎死亡病例超過130例,較前一日增長50%,累計死亡病例上升至366例。該國新冠肺炎確診病例也從4日的2500例左右增至8日的7375例,增加了近兩倍。 ... [Photo/Agencies] NASA is hiring astronauts NASA為登月招募太空人 NASA announced it is accepting public applications for aspiring astronauts. It is the first time in more than four years that the agency has accepted any new applications for this truly epic job. 美國國家航空航天局(NASA)近日宣布公開招募候選太空人。這是NASA四多年來首次招募新太空人。 "America is closer than any other time in history since the Apollo program to returning astronauts to the moon," NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine shared in a statement. "We will send the first woman and next man to the lunar South Pole by 2024, and we need more astronauts to follow suit on the moon, and then Mars. If you have always dreamed of being an astronaut, apply now." NASA局長吉姆·布里登斯廷在聲明中說:"自阿波羅計劃以來,美國比歷史上任何時期都更接近讓太空人重返月球。到2024年,我們將先把一名女性太空人,然後是一名男性太空人送上月球南極,我們需要更多太空人跟隨前人腳步登上月球,然後登上火星。如果你一直夢想成為太空人,快來申請吧。" The agency will select the final round of astronaut candidates sometime in mid-2021. From there, the new recruits will begin their training. In 2015, when the agency last sought astronaut candidates, more than 18,300 people applied. After all was said and done, just 11 astronauts were selected. NASA將於2021年年中決定最後的入選名單,接著展開新梯次太空人的訓練。NASA上一次選拔太空人是在2015年,當時超過1.83萬人提交申請,最終只有11名新太空人順利結業。 ... [Photo/Pexels] Olympic torch lighting ceremony 奧運聖火採集空場舉行 The Tokyo 2020 Olympics torch lighting ceremony in ancient Olympia will be the first in more than 35 years to be held without spectators. Greece's Olympic Committee said spectators would be excluded from both the dress rehearsal at the ancient site on Wednesday and the widely broadcast ceremony on Thursday. 在古奧林匹亞舉行的2020年東京奧運會聖火採集儀式,將是超過35年來首個無現場觀眾的奧運聖火採集儀式。希臘奧委會表示,11日在古老神廟舉行的彩排和12日的大範圍直播儀式都不允許觀眾入場。 This is the first time since the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics that the ceremony will be held without any spectators lounging on the grassy slopes of the ancient stadium in the tiny Peloponesian hamlet. 這是自1984年洛杉磯奧運會以來,奧運聖火採集儀式第一次在沒有觀眾的情況下舉行。儀式舉行時,不會有觀眾在這個伯羅奔尼撒半島小村莊古老神廟的草坡上閒逛。 The ceremony - held both for summer and winter Games - usually attracts several thousand spectators, including Greeks and foreign visitors. 夏季和冬季奧運會的聖火採集儀式通常會吸引數千名觀眾,包括希臘人和外國遊客。 ... [Photo/The Tokyo 2020 Olympics torch lighting ceremony] James Bond film delayed 007新片因疫情推遲上映 The release of the new James Bond film has been put back seven months as coronavirus continues to spread. The producers said they had moved the release of "No Time To Die" from April to November after "careful consideration and thorough evaluation of the global theatrical marketplace". 由於新型冠狀病毒持續傳播,007新片被推遲到7個月後上映。製片方稱,他們經過"認真考慮和對全球影院市場的全面評估"後決定把《無暇赴死》的上映時間從4月推遲到11月。 "No Time To Die", Daniel Craig's final appearance as the British secret agent, had been due for release on April 3. The last Bond film, "Spectre", took almost $900m at the global box office in 2015. 《無暇赴死》將是丹尼爾·克雷格最後一次出演英國秘密特工邦德,該片原定上映時間是4月3日。上一部007電影《幽靈黨》在2015年斬獲近9億美元(約合人民幣62億元)的全球票房。 Some film analysts have suggested the coronavirus could wipe away $5B in ticket receipts, with many of China's cinemas already closed and revenues hit hard in South Korea and Italy. 一些電影分析師指出,新型冠狀病毒會令全球票房損失50億美元(約合人民幣347億元)。中國的許多影院都已關門,韓國和義大利的影院收入也遭到重創。 ... [Photo/MGM] Club of young billionaires 胡潤發布少壯派富豪榜 The number of billionaires under the age of 40 increased to 53, up 7 from last year, with average wealth reaching $5.2 billion, according to Hurun's latest list of global billionaires aged 40 and under. Among these young billionaires, 20 are from the US and 19 from China, and 18 billionaires are newcomers. 根據胡潤研究院最新發布的全球少壯派白手起家富豪榜,全球40歲以下富豪數量增至53名,較去年增加7名,這些年輕富豪的平均身家為52億美元。上榜富豪中20人來自美國,19人來自中國,有18張新面孔。 Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO, tops the list with his wealth hitting $84 billion, a rise of $4 billion from last year, followed by Chinese billionaires Huang Zheng, founder of Pinduoduo, and Zhang Yiming, chairman of ByteDance, with wealth of $18 and $13.8 billion, respectively. 社交網絡臉書創始人兼執行長扎克伯格以840億美元的身家位居榜首,其財富較去年增加了40億美元。排在第二和第三位的是兩位中國富豪。拼多多創始人黃崢以180億美元身家排名第二,字節跳動董事長張一鳴以138億美元身家位居第三。 Industry-wise, these billionaires mainly hail from e-commerce, social media, shared economy, and online games. 上榜億萬富豪主要來自電商、社交媒體、共享經濟和網遊領域。 ... [Photo/chinadaily.com.cn] Hanks test positive for virus 漢克斯新冠檢測呈陽性 Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, Hanks said on Twitter. 奧斯卡金像獎得主、好萊塢影星湯姆·漢克斯11日在其推特上透露,他和妻子麗塔·威爾遜的新冠病毒檢測結果呈陽性。 The Hollywood star said on Wednesday that he and Wilson, who are both 63, were tested in Australia, after they felt tired and achy with slight fevers. Hanks said they would be "observed and isolated" for as long as required. 漢克斯稱,兩人目前在澳大利亞,因為覺得疲倦,身體酸痛,還有一點發燒,因此接受了新冠病毒檢測。他還表示兩人將完全按照要求進行觀察和隔離。 The couple is in Australia for the pre-production of Baz Luhrmann's currently untitled Elvis Presley film from Warner Bros. Hanks is set to play Presley's longtime manager Colonel Tom Parker. 現年63歲的漢克斯夫婦正在澳大利亞為巴茲·魯赫曼執導的一部關於貓王埃爾維斯·普雷斯利的電影做前期製作。電影出品方為華納兄弟公司,片名尚未確定。漢克斯計劃出演貓王的長期經理人湯姆·帕克上校。 ... [Photo/Agencies] WHO: Coronavirus a pandemic 新冠疫情升級為'大流行' The World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday declared the COVID-19 viral disease that has swept into at least 114 countries and killed more than 4,000 people a pandemic. 世界衛生組織11日宣布新冠肺炎疫情已經構成全球性大流行,目前疫情已席捲至少114個國家,導致超過4000人死亡。 "In the past two weeks, the number of cases of COVID-19 outside China has increased 13-fold, and the number of affected countries has tripled," said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. "In the days and weeks ahead, we expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths, and the number of affected countries climb even higher," he said. 世衛組織總幹事譚德塞稱,過去兩周中國以外新冠肺炎確診病例數已增長13倍,受影響國家數量增加了兩倍。未來幾周內預計確診病例數、死亡人數、以及受影響國家數量還將進一步攀升。 Ghebreyesus urged people not to be fearful because of its status as a pandemic. "Describing the situation as a pandemic does not change WHO's assessment of the threat posed by the virus," Ghebreyesus said. "It doesn't change what WHO is doing. And it doesn't change what countries should do." 譚德賽敦促民眾不要因為"大流行"一詞而恐慌。他表示,將新冠肺炎疫情描述為"大流行"不會改變世衛組織對其威脅的評估,不會改變世衛組織正在做的事情,也不會改變各國應該做的事情。 ... [Photo/Agencies] US suspends travel from Europe 美對歐洲實施旅行禁令 US President Donald Trump on Wednesday suspended all travel from Europe to the US for 30 days starting on Friday in order to fight the novel coronavirus. The travel restrictions did not apply to the United Kingdom, Trump made the announcement in an Oval Office address to the nation as he seeks to combat a viral pandemic. 美國總統川普11日在白宮橢圓形辦公室就應對新冠肺炎疫情發表全國講話。川普宣布,自13日起對歐洲實施為期30天的旅行禁令,但英國將不受該禁令影響。 The number of known coronavirus cases in the US surpassed 1,600 on Wednesday in 38 states. Many universities are suspending classes, ending the semester early, or conducting online classes. 截至11日,美國38個州累計報告新冠肺炎病例超過1600例。許多大學停課、提前放假或選擇網上授課。 The National Basketball Association said on Wednesday that it was suspending the season until further notice after a Utah Jazz player tested positive for the coronavirus. 美國職業籃球聯賽11日宣布暫停本賽季比賽,何時複賽將另行通知,原因是一名猶他爵士隊球員的新冠病毒檢測結果呈陽性。 ... [Photo/Agencies] 如果想要獲取更多信息 歡迎關注我們哦 我們定期持續推出乾貨經驗 留學資訊以及各種福利呢 —END— KTS(Key to Success)專注留學英語和高端商務英語培訓,行業內首推「英語規劃師」概念,實行一對一學習督導服務,為學員定製和規劃學習方案;同時自創「PLP」教學產品線,自主研發了iTask一系列線上任務包。 添加VX諮詢:selena123-hong 更多留學資訊、乾貨經驗、資料福利 歡迎關注公眾號:KTS勝之玥留學英語/KTS勝之玥英語










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